====Spider Attachment==== A //spider// [[attachment|attachment]] connects your Agency AI to all of the ARDI assets //linked by a specific relationship//. The assets in the relationship are processed in-order, so that you can use the [[relative_binding_format|relative binding format]] to let your AI refer to properties on //neighbouring// assets. This is particularly useful when searching for discontinuities, leaks, instabilities or balancing issues. {{:agency:agency_spider.png?400|}} ^Parameter^Meaning^Example^ |asset|The name of the asset to begin from|Pump A| |relationship|The name of the relationship to follow|Load Balancing| |limit|Limit the number of assets to this value|10| |edges|Behaviour near relationship edges. Must be 'clamp' or 'loop'|clamp| ===Other Attachments=== [[Single Attachment|Single]] \\ [[Type Attachment|Type]] \\ [[Property Attachment|Property]]