=====Filters===== Filters allow you to show only certain assets in the virtual environment based on certain characteristics. {{:ardi-ve:filter_options.png?400|}} ====Focus==== Switch Focus to the selected asset. Moving closer to it and examining it's data. {{:ardi-ve:focuson.png?400|}} ====Show Dashboard==== This option opens up the web dashboard showing detailed information about the asset stored on the ARDI-VE server. ====Filter By Type==== Filter all assets in the environment by a selected asset type of your choice. {{:ardi-ve:filterby.png?400|}} ====Connected Via... and Upstream Via...==== Filter all assets in the environment by assets Connected via the selected asset. {{:ardi-ve:relationshipby.png?400|}} Assets can be filtered by either Product Type or Profile. ====Managing Filters==== To manage the currently active filters, look for the **funnel icon** in the **upper right corner** of the screen. {{:ardi-ve:managefilters.png?200|}} Clicking on this button will bring up the list of currently active filters. To disable them, click on the filter you wish to disable. {{:ardi-ve:activefilters.png?400|}} {{ :ardi-ve:filters.mp4 |}} [[Selecting Assets|Back to Selecting Assets]] [[ardi-ve:user_interface_guide|Back to ARDI-VE User Interface Guide]]