====Live Data==== {{:ardi-ve:livedata.png?200|}} ARDI-VE has the ability to record all asset data over extended periods of time and store the history of those assets and their variables. The Live-Data features of ARDI-VE allow you to return to different points in time and play back the progression of such data. ===Select Time/Date=== {{:ardi-ve:timetravelcontrol-open.png?200|}} Clicking on the button marked "Live Data" will show a drop-down calendar, allowing the user to select a time/date to review the live data from that date. Doing so will show playback options allowing the user to play, fast forward, or rewind the live data and display the appropriate changes in the environment as it progresses. ===Compare Data=== Clicking on the Compare Data button will show a second drop-down calendar. Selecting a time and date from this calendar will select live data from that date to compare to another date's live data. [[ardi-ve:user_interface_guide|Back to ARDI-VE User Interface Guide]]