====Incoming and Outgoing Measurements==== ===The Problem=== While most of your instruments //measure// a value, some others //change// the value instead. For example, the heat-exchanger in an air conditioner or an air-drier often looks like this... {{ardiadminguide:heat_exchanger.png}} In this situation, looking at the heat-exchanger in ARDI would only show you the //inlet// temperature - the temperature coming from up-stream. There's two problems with this... * The inlet temperature isn't clearly marked as **inlet** - it's simply //temperature//, which is a little confusing * Users are going to also want to see the **outlet** temperature too. ===The Solution=== You can use [[references|references]] to solve the problem - in fact, the reference documentation specifically mentions this scenario. Step by step, you need to.... * Go to the [[detail_properties|property details]] page for the asset, **B**. * [[ardiadminguide:adding_a_reference|Add a reference]] to the down-stream sensor (**C**) temperature, calling it **Outlet Temperature**. * Add another reference to the up-stream sensor (**A**) temperature, calling it **Inlet Temperature**. This not only brings in both temperatures so you can see the performance of the heat-exchanger, but it also labels them appropriately so you can clearly see which is which.