====Inlet and Outlet Properties==== If you've got an asset that //changes// a process value (for example, a compressor that changes the pressure or a chiller that reduces the temperature), there's a valid reason that you'd want to see both the up-stream and the down-stream temperature when you look at the device itself. But since the down-stream temperature measurement is often made in another asset and ARDI only allows one use of a property per asset, how on earth do you **do** that? ===Using References=== The documentation on [[references|references]] cover this exact scenario. References allow you to display the property from a different asset on your dashboard. This means that you //can// actually have several measurements of the same type visible on the same dashboard. So assuming you have the following situation... {{references.png}} You can add two references on **Chiller** - one named 'Inlet Temp.' that shows the temperature coming from **Temp Sensor A**, and one called 'Outlet Temp' that shows the temperature measured on **Temp Sensor B**, downstream.