====The Integrated Relationship==== The **Integrated** relationship is another special relationship in ARDI, similar in some respects to the [[Monitors|monitors]] relationship. In this case, if an asset is **integrated with** another one, the properties of one of the assets are visible from the other. You can adjust the behaviour of the Integration relationship by editing it (see [[managing relationships]]). At the bottom of the page, you'll find options that control exactly how the integration works. {{:ardiadminguide:integrationoptions.png?400|}} The first two options control which way the relationship works. Will child information appear in the parent (the default), or will parent information appear in the child? Or both? The third allows you to control if the properties from the children are placed in a //group// instead of simply being put in with all of the other properties the parent has. Lets assume we have a situation where **Asset A** has an integrated relationship between **Asset B** and **Asset C**. The options are detailed below. //None// doesn't group the properties. They will simply appear with all of the other properties when you look at the dashboard on Asset A. //Group By Asset// will create two groups - Asset B and Asset C - on Asset A. //Group By Property// will create groups for each //property// the child assets have. So if assets B & C both have a **temperature** property, a //Temperature// group will appear on Asset A, with the values from B & C in there.