====Managing Units of Measurement==== You manage your list of [[units of measurement|units of measurement]] from the [[Administration Page|Administration page]]. The UOM list is slightly different to other lists, due to the fact that units of measurement are grouped together according to what they are measurements //of//. For example, all //flow// relationships are grouped together, the same way as //power//, //distance//, //force// and other measurements are. {{unit_list.png}} ===Deleting Measurement Units=== You can delete measurement units simply by clicking on the minus sign that appears just to the right of the unit name. ===Adding Measurement Units=== You can add new measurement units by pressing **Add New Measurement Unit** below the list. {{unit_add.png}} You will need to fill in four fields in order to create a new unit of measurement... ^Option^Description^ |Abbreviation|The formal abbreviation for your unit. Remember to add a //space// if there is normally a gap between value and unit.| |Category|The //type// of measurement that this unit applies to - for example, **Temperature** or **Force**| |Value|The value compared to the //reference// unit. The reference unit is the one first created (and with the smallest abbreviation)| |Offset|The //offset// that needs to be applied to express this unit in terms of the //reference// unit.| For example, ARDI ships with the unit 'N' (Neuton) already defined as a measurement of force. If you wanted to add //kiloneutons//, you could use the options in the image above.