====Unlinked Properties and Alerts==== Each of these reports (accessible from **Tools | Reports**) allows you to see what (if any) properties and alerts in your system are **not yet linked to live data**. Because some properties are not intended to be linked to live data, these reports are generated on a per-alert or a per-property basis. {{:ardiadminguide:unlinked.png?400|}} The top of the report contains three controls - the name of the property (or alert), the [[contexts|context]] and the type - live or historical. Most of the time, the report is run with the //Actual// context and the //Live// type. Any items that appear in the list are not currently linked to data. You can use the //Export To File// button to export the content to a spreadsheet to help you create an [[importing_data_bindings|import file]]. You can use the //Bulk Changes// button if you need to perform a [[bulk_changes|bulk change]] to the assets (such as removing the property, or removing a type). You can use the //Auto-Link// button to activate [[auto-linking|auto-linking]] and allow ARDI to try to figure out the proper link addresses on its own.