====Searching for Assets==== Searching in ARDI doesn't simply search for the assets name, it searches every [[static|static]] [[properties|property]]. So when you perform a search, it will include... * The asset name * The asset description * Other properties, such as [[Equipment Reference Number]], address, date, alternate ID numbers and more. You can search from a number of places in the ARDI web interface (and also in client applications such as [[ARDI-AR]] and [[ARDI-VE]]). The easiest place to do it from the web interface is at the top of [[the sidebar|the sidebar]]. ===Step 1=== Firstly, enter the text you'd like to find in "Search", located in the sidebar. {{ardiuserguide:searchcontrol.png}} ===Step 2=== If your search matched with a single asset, you'll be taken directly to the assets [[dashboard|dashboard]]. If your search matched with more than one, you'll be taken to the search results page (below) to choose from a list of matches. ===Step 3=== If your search matched //multiple// assets, you can choose between the matches in the search results page. {{ardiuserguide:searchresults.png}} Click on the name of the asset to be taken to the [[dashboard|dashboard]]. You can also use the icons to go directly to specific asset pages. The legend below details which page each link takes you to... ^Icon^Destination^ ||Opens the asset [[dashboard|dashboard]]| ||Opens the asset [[diagrams|diagram]]| ||Opens the asset [[detail|detail]]|