====Advanced Node Topics==== ===Mainline Downstream, Users Upstream=== The one-connection-per-relationship restriction can seem a bit of a problem in some cases - particularly when you have hundreds of items being fed from a single asset (water pump, power transformer etc.) However, the 'Mainline Downstream - Users Upstream' approach can help you handle this. In this case, you build your **main line** on the upstream asset. But you build each minor T-off from the //downstream// asset. The description isn't overly clear, so let's go through a worked example. {{:ardiveadmin:branchingconnections.png?400|}} The **Main Water Pump** (A) provides water to all of the other assets (B-F) Drawing each and every connection from the main line to asset B & F sounds like an exhausting process that we don't want to tackle at this point. However, what we can do is break the work up. In the diagram above, the **blue** line is created from asset A. Later on, we can create the **red** lines between B-F and the main-line. For Asset A, we only draw the **main line** connection and we don't create the branches. Then for each asset, we can create individual branches when we decide that level of detail is required. **Note that in this case, the pipework you create is //added to the parent pipework// rather than being attached to the downstream asset.**. The pipe from B to A is added to the **A** pipe, leaving you free to add new connections from B to Q, if required.