====Saving and Restoring Changes==== Like when editing assets, changes to the pipework are only saved when the save button is clicked. However, clicking away from a pipe without saving will cause the pipe to revert to it's last saved state. ===Restoring Changes=== If you clicked away from a pipe while editing it, you will notice that the pipe will have reverted to it's last saved state. Don't worry, the changes you have made to this pipe are still stored even though they were not saved. To restore these changes, simply click on the pipe again. You will be prompted with a dialogue asking if you want to restore the previous unsaved changes. {{:ardiveadmin:applychanges.png?400|}} If you click **yes**, the changes will be restored and you can continue working on the pipe. If you click **no**, the pipe will remain unchanged from its reverted state and you can begin applying new changes instead. ===Saving Changes=== {{:ardiveadmin:save_button.png?400|}} To save changes to the server, click on the save button. You must select a pipe before clicking on save and only the selected pipes changes will be saved. //**It is important to remember to click on the save button if you want to commit any new pipework to the server. All unsaved changes are lost when the session is ended.**//