====The Editing Grid==== Moving objects in 3D space can quickly get confusing. This is because you're trying to move an object in three dimensions while using a display and an input method (your mouse) that work strictly in 2D. ARDI simplifies 3D editing by using the **editing grid**. All changes to your assets in 3D can be done using the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, the mouse, or by changing the numbers directly. As soon as you begin editing, the grid appears on-screen. It will move itself depending on the angle between the asset and the camera. {{:ardiveadmin:editwinder.png?300|}}{{ :ardiveadmin:editwindertop.png?300|}} So if you are looking down at the asset from above, the grid will be along the horizontal plane. If you look at it from the side, the grid will be on the vertical plane. Your adjustments when using the numeric keypad or mouse will be limited to the grid. This way, you're only able to make adjustments that you can clearly see. So the basic rule is that if you'd like to move your asset in a particular direction, move your camera so that you can //see// the direction you'd like to move in. You'll see specific examples in the following sections. [[Edit Controls]]\\ [[step_one_-_opening_the_editor_interface|Back]]