====Choosing your Training Data==== When choosing your training data, you'll be taken to a page showing the chart of all of your input values. {{:cognition:trainingtimes.png?300 |}} To create a new training time, simply click (or click-and-drag) and a menu will appear, allowing you to choose what outputs you expect in the selected time-frame. If you single-click, only the one moment will be added to training. If you click-and-drag to select a period of time the whole time period will be added to your training data. You can click on the colour-coded property names to toggle them on or off (turning off the very large numbers can make it easier to zoom in on the smaller ones). Click on the date-and-time at the top of the page to change the date range you're looking at. This allows you to go to the exact time of an event or issue to highlight the problems. Once you've set up some training times, you can [[checking ai coverage|check your training coverage]]