====Analytic List==== The main page of [[firstsite:start|FirstSite]] is a list of each of the tests it's going to perform. Once each of the tests are loaded, they'll begin to be processed. One-by-one, they'll briefly turn purple as the system performs the test, then they'll change colour again indicate the [[analytic results|result]]. {{firstsite_web.png}} ===Limiting the Results=== Underneath each header (the bold text between sets of tests), you'll find options that allow you to restrict your tests to only those of that [[test types|type]] - for example, only [[control|Control]] or [[sequence|Sequence]] tests. ===Re-Running Tests=== If needed, you can re-run tests by clicking on the coloured box next to their name. The chosen test is queued at the //end of the current batch//. So if FirstSite is still processing your list, you will need to wait until the entire list is complete before the chosen test is re-run. ===Accessing Details=== For most tests (other than Drivers and Connections), you can click on the name to see the detail of the test, which will explain where your results came from. In some cases - such as Sequence or [[types|Asset Shape]] tests - you'll be given the option of training a Machine Learning algorithm. The exact layout and the options available vary depending on the type of test you've chosen. [[prop_detail|Data Quality Details]] \\ [[ctrl_detail|Limit and Control Details]] \\ [[sequence_detail|Sequence Details]] \\ [[type_detail|Asset Shape Details]] \\