====Asset Shape UI==== When you click on an [[types|Asset Shape]] test in [[firstsite:start|FirstSite]], you'll be taken to a web page that looks like the one below... {{fstypeui.png}} ===Test Results=== At the top of the page are your [[analytic_results|test results]], showing you if the asset is running in an unusual way. In most cases, you want this to be either **white** (not yet trained) or **green** (OK). Unlike most other [[test_types|types of test]], Asset Shape UIs require //training// before they can begin to work. If you're logged into ARDI as an Administrator, you can do this using the **This Is Normal** button, which records the current values as new training data for the Machine Learning system. ===Chart=== The chart below the test results is an illustration of the 'shape' that the AI sees. In many cases, **this chart is not human readable**. It contains a mix of many different types of data, re-scaled to be between 0 and 1 (a process called //normalisation//). It's simply provided to help you visualise the job that the AI is performing behind-the-scenes. ===Closest Match Summary=== Machine learning algorithms are //terrible// at explaining **why** they give you the results they give. To help understand why you're getting certain results, you'll find a list at the bottom of the page that shows you the difference between each of your properties and the //closest overall match// that could be found in your training data. {{fstypeui2.png}} In some cases, this can help you see which property is causing the AI to decide the asset is abnormal.