====Calibrating a Device==== If your asset has one or more **range** properties, you'll be able to perform a //calibration//. This allows you to record the calibration results using your mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. ===Choose Property=== {{:maintenance:calprop.png?400|}} First, you'll need to choose the property that you're calibrating against. Most sensors only have one property that needs calibration. ===Inject Values=== {{:maintenance:calibrate.png?400|}} Now it's time to inject values to perform the calibration. You should inject the values found in the bold text at the top of the page, and record the output measured on your calibration reference device. Note that your current SCADA reading is also captured here, to ensure that there isn't a fault in scaling on the server-side. ===Finish=== After you have done the appropriate number of calibration points (usually 3 or 5), you'll be shown the final calibration report. Results have already been saved as soon as the report appears. {{:maintenance:finalcal.png?600|}}