===Scheduling Your Reports=== ==The Schedule Addon== The ReportList addon integrates with the //Schedule// addon, allowing you to easily set up regular report transmission. ==The Manual Way== Reports can be sent manually at any time by using a web URL. This URL is **/////reportlist/mailout** - for example, if you were send emails for the //default// site on server MYARDISERVER, the complete URL would be http://MYARDISERVER/s/default/reportlist/mailout You can add parameters to change the behaviour of the mailout... ^Parameter^Usage^ |bundles|The name of the report bundle you want to send| |title|The text to append to the email subject and file name - if you have multiple reports, this lets you differentiate them into "Daily", "Weekly", "Night Shift" etc. | |regen|Rebuild all of the reports (useful if the last set of reports were incorrect due to the data source being down/unavailable)| |test|Prepare reports and log, but don't actually **send** emails| |email|The specific email address you'd like to send to. Useful in testing.| |resend|Send 'stale' reports (ones that haven't been freshly generated). Useful when resending your report emails due to your email server being unavailable| |bundleonly|Generate **only** the report bundle file that is available through the web UI - don't send emails| |keepbundle|Don't re-generate the bundle file unless it's needed| |site|Overrides the default site name sent from ARDI in the subject of the email| This web link can only be run via administrators, or locally (ie. any user can call this link if the call originates from the server itself). ==Scheduling The Reports== To schedule your reports, set up a Scheduled Task (Windows) or a Cron job (Linux) that calls this URL. In Linux, this can be as simple as making a script that contains 'wget' followed by the URL. On Windows it can be slightly more complicated, as there isn't a standard command-prompt application to fetch web results. As such, we suggest creating the following PS1 (Windows PowerShell) script... **Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'MYSITE/reportlist/mailout' -TimeoutSec 6000** Remembering to replace 'MYSITE' with your correct URL To actually run this in Windows, you'll need to create a scheduled task and add a 'Start a Program' action. You can't directly execute the PS1 file, so you'll want to run powershell itself, sending the location of your PS1 script as a //parameter//. {{:report_list:scheduledtask.png?400|}}