====ARDI Past Point Node==== This node outputs **a property value from an ARDI asset** in some point //in the past//. This node is used in all [[analytic_modules|modules]] and is one of the [[folder_ardi|ARDI nodes]]. {{node_ardi_point.png}} ===Inputs=== **Default (Input #1)** is the default value to output if the property is //null// or //bad//. \\ **Delay (Input #2)** is the //number// of samples (normally seconds) back in time that the data should be read from. ===Outputs=== **Output #1** is the value of the point at the given time offset. ===Options=== This node has an option for the name of the asset and property you'd like to use. A list will appear showing likely options, but you can also simply enter the name of the point you want to use in the field provided. ===Notes=== When this function is used for processing //events// (such as in an [[module_outage|outage analytic]]), all time offsets are relative to the **end of the sample range**. ===Known Issues=== Note that currently, the Past Point node is unable to retrieve information from //before// or //after// the requested data range. In the future, we're hoping that we can support retrieving data backwards or forwards past the query edges when you've got a **fixed** offset (such as when you add a [[basic_const|fixed number]] to the delay). However, it's doubtful this will ever function if you're using a dynamic offset. ===See Also=== [[ardi_point|Point]]