====Counter Output==== This node is a [[final_output|final outout]] node that chooses **what values you're counting in a counter analytic**. For example, if you'd like to see your //power usage// per //day//, your 'day' value would connect to your [[counter_pivot|Pivot]] node, and the power usage would connect to **this** node. This node is used in only in //[[module_count|counter analytics]]//. {{node_math_round.png}} ===Different Styles=== There are three different styles of Conter Output node - a **Totaliser**, a **Rate** and a **Counter** node. [[counter_totaliser|Totaliser]] - Used to add amounts from existing counters. \\ [[counter_change|Counter]] - Used to count the number of times a value as //changed// \\ [[counter_rate|Rate]] - Used to turn a //rate// into a //total//.