====Control Example: Time Spent Out Of Control==== In this example, we see if our machine is maintaining the oven temperatures we are targeting. ===Available Information=== ^Asset^Property^Desc^ |Finish Oven Zone 1|Temperature - Oven|The actual temperature of our oven| |Finish Oven Zone 1|Temperature - Target|The expected temperature of our oven| ===Initial Layout=== {{control_start.png}} To begin with, we have one [[control_output|Control Output]] node, one [[control_control|Control]] node and two [[ardi_point|ARDI Point]] nodes. ===Step 1: Determine Control=== * Click on the top **Measurement** node, where it says //none//. \\ * From the pop-up list, choose the //actual value// that is being controlled. * Click on the lower **Target** node where it says //none//. * From the pop-up list, choose the //target// that you're trying to reach. {{control_basicpng.png}} ===Step 2: Tune=== {{control_basic_pretuning.png}} When we save this and look at the report, we can see that it's almost **always** out of control. This might be true, or it might mean that our tolerances could be a bit too strict. If we go in and update our **span** to be within //5 degrees// of the target instead of //1//, we get the results below... {{control_tolerance_update.png}} This is //better// but still not great. Either our oven is having real issues, or we need to refine our logic further. We can see a lot of noise - going in and out of control very frequently. But there's the opportunity to remove some of these small periods of control loss with a **timer**. {{control_basic_withtimer.png}} This updated logic tells the system that the measurement has to be uncontrolled for four seconds before it's considered being genuinely //out of control//. ===The Results=== This results in a chart that is **far** less noisy, although still showing some issues. {{control_basic_final.png}} ===Deployment Options=== Control charts have one of the largest lists of [[control_deployment_options|deployment options]].