====Condition Node==== This node checks to see if a **mathematical condition has been met** when comparing two inputs. It performs simple tests, such as... * Equal To * Not Equal To * Greater Than * Less Than, etc. This node is used in all [[analytic_modules|modules]] and is one of the [[folder_math|math nodes]]. {{math_condition.png}} ===Inputs=== **Input #1** is a //number// that will be be used on the left side of the comparison. \\ **Input #2** is a //number// that will be be used on the right side of the comparison. ===Outputs=== **Output #1** is **true** if the condition is met and **false** if it is not.\\ **Output #2** is the opposite of Output 1 - **false** if the condition is met and **true** if it is not. ===Options=== The **Cond** option allows you to choose which comparison you're going to make between your two inputs. Note that the exclamation mark (!) symbol means **not**, so '!=' means 'Not Equal'. ^Symbol^Meaning^ |==|Equal| |!=|Not Equal| |<|Less Than| |< =|Less Than or Equal To| |>|Greater Than| |> =|Greater Than or Equal To| |&&|Contains All of the Same Bits|