====Sub Node==== This node **subtracts the two input values from one-another**. This node is available in all [[analytic_modules|modules]]. This is part of the [[folder_math|Math nodes]], designed to perform mathematical functions and comparisons on values. {{addnode.png}} ===Inputs=== **Input #1** is a //number// and is the value you want to start with. \\ **Input #2** is also a //number// and is the value you want to subtract from input #1. ===Outputs=== **Output #1** is a //number// and is equal to the value of Input 1 minus the value of Input 2. ===Options=== The **bvalue** option allows you to set the value of **Input 2** when that input isn't connected. It's a faster method than creating a [[basic_const|Const Number]] node. ===Notes=== When using this node to determine the size of the //difference// between two numbers, you might want to consider the [[math_abs|Abs]] function, so that you capture the difference in both a positive or negative direction. ===See Also=== [[math_Add|Add]]\\ [[math_Mult|Mult]]\\