====Pivot Module==== The **Pivot** [[analytic_modules|analytic module]] is used to view one or more properties based on a specific 'pivot' - such as a different property or events. They're often used for analysing production based on a systems mode, product, batch, shift/crew, position, or a range of other criteria. They can also be helpful when analysing loading, filling or other product transfer operations. ===Starting Out=== When you first create a new pivot, you'll see the [[graph|graph]] below... {{start_pivot.png}} The node on the top-right is a [[pivot_pivot|Pivot]] node. All of the values in the analytic are grouped by the value you feed into this node. If you want to split your values by if a machine is running or not, you can use a [[ardi_spoint|ARDI status]]. If you want to split by distance, you can use a [[ardi_point|ARDI Point]] and a [[math_round|Round]] node. You can also pivot by events with an [[ardi_eventname|ARDI Event Name]] node. The node on the bottom-right is an [[pivot_output|Pivot Output]] node. This represents a channel of data that will be split up across each of the //pivot// values. For example, if you wanted to see the different speeds your machine ran at on different days of the week, you'd connect //Day of the Week// to your **Pivot** node and //speed// to the **Output** node. ===Module-Specific Nodes=== [[pivot_pivot|Pivot]] \\ [[pivot_output|Pivot Output]] ===Examples=== [[example_pivot_mode|Pivot on Mode, Status or Other Discrete Value]] \\ [[example_pivot_analogue|Pivot on Size, Thickness or Other Analogue Value]] \\ [[example_pivot_event|Pivot on Crews, Outages or Other Events]] \\ [[example_pivot_assetmovement|Pivot on Movement and Transfer Across Assets]] \\