====Pivot Output==== This node is a [[final_output|final outout]] node that chooses **what values you're looking at in a pivot analytic**. For example, if you'd like to see your //power usage// based on the //day of the week//, your 'day of the week' value would connect to your [[pivot_pivot|Pivot]] node, and the power usage would connect to **this** node. This node is used in only in //[[module_pivot|pivot analytics]]//. {{node_math_round.png}} ===Different Styles=== There are three different styles of Pivot Output node - a **Min/Max/Avg**, a **Rate** and a **Difference** node. A Min/Max/Avg output node records those three key details about each different pivot, useful for simple measurements like temperature or pressure. A //Rate// output node is designed to capture //total amounts// based on the rate and the time that has elapsed. For example, it will calculate the total amount of fuel loaded into a machine based on the output of a flow-meter. A //Difference// output node is similar to a rate, in that it calculates a total for each pivot value. However, this total is the difference between a measurement between the pivot window //starting// and //ending//. This is useful when loading or moving solids, as you can discover the weight transferred between assets. ===Inputs=== **Input #1** is a //number// that will be analysed per //pivot//. The minimum, maximum and average value over the duration of the pivot will be used, along with the total (if supported by the type of output you've chosen). ===See Also=== [[pivot_pivot|Pivot]] \\ [[pivot_ignore|Pivot Ignore]] \\