====Decrement Variable Node==== This is a [[folder_variable|variable]] node, used to **decrease the value of a numeric variable**. These are usually used to count changes, totalise values, or along with the [[timing_elapsed|Elapsed]] timing node to create a custom timer. This node is used in all [[analytic_modules|modules]]. {{variable_increment.png}} ===Inputs=== **Value (Input #1)** is a //number// that will be subtracted from the variable. \\ **Enabled (Input #2)** is a //true// or //false// value. If **true**, the value will be subtracted.\\ ===Outputs=== **Output #1** is the //number// equal to the //new value// of the number being decremented, or the original number if the **enabled** input is //false//. ===Options=== The **Name** option is the name of the variable you want to record. Make sure that your variable names //exactly match// any other [[folder_variable|variable]] node that wants to use the same value, including case.