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Server Selection

Upon loading ARDI-360 initially, you will be prompted to join a server.

Each ARDI server is dedicated to a different plant, or part of an organisation.

Joining a Server

If no default server is set, you will be prompted to choose one upon loading ARDI-360. Click on the button labeled Server List to open the ARDI Server Browser.

The ARDI Server Browser will list all of the Servers available to you, click on the desired Server to join it. If no servers appear in this list, you may need to add one.

Upon joining a server, that server will now be set as the Default Server and will be automatically joined each time you load ARDI-360. To join a different server, see Changing Servers.

Adding a Server

To add a new server, open the ARDI Server Browser and click on the button labeled Add Server. You will be prompted to enter the ARDI Server Settings for the Server you wish to add.

Note that many servers do not require a username and password

Once filled out, click on Add Server. ARDI-360 will automatically attempt to join the new server. The new server will also be added to the ARDI Server Browser and will display in the list the next time you open it.

Once you've finished adding your first server and have successfully connected, you'll need to choose a starting point.

Changing Servers

If a server is already loaded and you wish to change to a different server, click on the Servers button located in the bottom right hand corner.

Clicking this button will bring up the ARDI Server Browser again, allowing you to select a different server. If you select a different server, that server will be set as the Default Server for the next time you load ARDI-360.

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