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Using ARDI-360


To view the scene in ARDI360 simply click and drag with the mouse, or in the case of mobile, swipe the screen to rotate the camera. As your cursor or finger passes over a Hotspot, a name tag will be displayed indicating the name of the asset or area that can be interacted with.


Certain parts of the scene are hotspots, indicating the presence of an asset or a walkway. They usually are slightly brighter than their surroundings and may have a green or bluish tint.

To find out more about an asset or to travel between locations, simply click on a hotspot once with the mouse, or in the case of mobile, tap on it and release.


If you touch an assets hotspot in the scene, the Information Panel will appear.

Detailed information about the associated asset will be retrieved from the ARDI server and displayed.

For more detailed information about the information panel, see Asset Detail Panels.

Right Side Icons

On the lower right side of the screen are three options which will help you navigate the scene.

This button will bring up the Asset Selection Screen and allow you to choose a scene or an asset. Upon selection, ARDI360 will begin to automatically navigate by moving from one scene to the next until it reaches the chosen destination scene or asset.

This is useful if you are positioned somewhere in the environment and want to know how to get from where you are to a specific asset or scene.


This button will bring up the Asset Selection Screen and allow you to choose a scene or an asset. Upon selection, ARDI360 will immediately move you to the chosen location or asset.

ARDI Server Settings

This button will bring up the ARDI Server Browser, allowing you to change to another ARDI Server. For more information see Server Selection.


If a Collaboration Server is running on the selected ARDI Server, this icon will appear. Collaboration is a system that allows you to connect to other users on the ARDI Server to communicate and share data about the ARDI Environment.

For more information, see Collaboration Guide

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