Web Share Buttons

The system to share information from the web interface is slightly different to that found in the other applications.

Along with web chat interface, you have access to 'share' buttons throughout the ARDI website. This allows you to…

To do so, you use the share button (shown below)

Choosing a Recipient

After clicking on 'share', you'll be asked to choose which group or person you would like to share the content with.

The bold text indicates a group, normal text indicates a user.

If available, the 'Message' button may appear next to each of these options. This will allow you to send a small text message to any group or user, explaining why you are sending the share in the first place.

Please note when messaging users in this way that there is no way for them to reply - if you are asking for input or feedback, please contact them via alternate methods.

The Page Share Button

When you visit an ARDI server with the collabration system enabled, you'll see a 'share' button (show above) in the top-right corner of the screen.

This button is the page context share button - the effect of clicking it will change depending on what page you are actually on.

If you are on a Dashboard page, you'll share the asset that you are looking at. This means that ARDI-VE will zoom in on the asset and select it, and ARDI-AR will act as if the user had scanned a tag on the asset.

If you are on any other page, it will send a copy of the page you are currently viewing.

Dashboard Share Buttons

Each property that is connected to live data on your dashboard will also have a share button. Clicking on this will cause ARDI-AR or ARDI-VE to pin the property to your pin list.

List Share Buttons

Some lists - particularly the media lists - include share buttons as well. Using this, you can open the media for an asset and send the correct isolation instructions or electrical drawings directly to a ARDI-VE user in the field.