Assigning Assets and Properties to Models

This is a practical example of the topic covered here - attaching several assets to a single 3D model.

Download the backup file here -

The example includes a simple environment and one 3D asset - a car.

Currently, our asset Location hierarchy looks like this…

So we have the car itself, and inside the car you'll find the wheels, engine etc.

Going in and manually placing each of these as distinct 3D models would be a difficult and time-consuming task. Luckily, there's a shortcut.

In ARDI, you can take any complex 3D model ( a 3D model with more than one part ) and assign assets and properties onto those parts.

So while asking for 'Temperature' at the moment gives us the image below…

…we can turn around and make it much better.

The Properties

Right now, the properties are scattered over several assets.

My Car includes the internal cabin temperature and speed of the vehicle. The wheels have temperature and rotational speed. The engine has oil temperature

Our goal is to show all of this information in one model.

Opening the Asset Details

Model PartAsset Name
WheelBRRear Right Wheel
WheelFRFront Right Wheel
WheelBLRear Left Wheel
WheelFLFront Left Wheel

Model PartProperty
Speed - VehicleFrame

Press Save Bindings.

What We've Done

So now we've told ARDI that the engine and all of the wheels in the 3D model should be linked to their specific assets.

We've also copied the temperature from My Car onto the interior of the car, and copied the running speed of the vehicle onto the frame.

The Results

The properties we are looking for are now placed on the parts of the model that are appropriate - we can not only look at more data at any one time, but also the meaning of the data is clear.

And of course, we haven't had to manually place each component of our vehicle.