Table of Contents

Creating and Connecting Points

Creating a point

To create a point in Video Mapper, first select the video you wish to use.

Then select the frame of video you wish to create a photo point out of. Click and drag the green bar at the top of the screen to adjust, while noticing the time stamp in the description box.

Once you have selected the video frame you wish to use as a photo point. You can then Right Click anywhere in the map area to create a point at that physical location.

Select Add 360 Photo Here to create the point.

You may then specify a name for the photo point and adjust it's altitude.

The altitude value that you specify will alter the point's physical height in the ARDI Virtual Environment.

Note: An altitude of 0 is at the base ground level and does not factor in the height of the person filming the footage. It is recommended to set this to an appropriate height that includes the height in which the footage was taken such as a value ranging between 0.5-1.0 minimum.

Selecting a Point

Once created, the photo point will be represented by a red dot at its location on the map.

Points that are colored red are newly created points which do not yet have an associated Pano2VR file uploaded to the server.

Click the red dot once to select it.

Upon selecting a point it will be highlighted yellow. Notice that it brings up the altitude box, allowing you to modify the specified point's altitude.

You may generate a Pano2VR file for this point by double clicking it on it. The Pano2VR software will automatically open and contain the chosen image from the video footage along with a hotspot area automatically generated for each link the point has.

Make the appropriate modifications as necessary to the Pano2VR file from within the Pano2VR software. You can find a guide on how to do that here. Once you are happy with the modifications, save the Pano2VR file and click back to ARDI Video Mapper.

Upon clicking on ARDI Video Mapper after making modifications to a Pano2VR file it will automatically create an entry for the modified photo point in the database and upload those changes to the server.

Once uploaded, the red dot will turn green to indicate that it exists within the servers ARDI VE database.

Changing a points position

To adjust a position of a point simply select the point and use the arrow keys to adjust its position.

Connecting Points Together

When you have multiple points, you can connect them together by selecting one point and right clicking on the point you wish to connect it to.

If you wish to remove a link, simply right click on a point that already contains a link to the selected point. Note: You may need to temporarily adjust the position of the point to do this if the points are too close together.

If points are connected before generating a Pano2VR file, it will automatically create hotspots for each connection and name them appropriately within the Pano2VR file.