Advanced Event Detection

This is a more advanced example of Event Detection. It continues on from the Basic Event Detection Tutorial.

By the end of the first example, we've got the following graph.

Note - for clarity, we'll remove the 'Spike' metadata in the following examples.

Step 1: Ignoring Inrushes with a Custom Timer

One problem comes from inrush currents and high loads. These are moments of very high current use when the drive is starting up or when a particularly heavy product is being processed.

What makes this complicated is that the time-limits we're willing to accept change depending on just how far over the limits it actually is

For example, the motor can run at 102% for an hour without any danger, but should only run at 120% for 60 seconds - otherwise it might overheat or fail.

So rather than a traditional timer node, we might need to make our own.

Add a New Variable

You can use variables to store information. In this case, we're going to make a variable called Total Time to act as a counter.

Add a Value to Increment By

Although your analytic usually runs with 1 second resolution (if enough data is available), there are situations where it won't.

Because of that, we can't simply add 1 to our timer. To be safe, we should add an Elapsed node that gives us the correct number of seconds since the last sample.

Reset the Timer When OK

Right now, we've made a counter that constantly counts up - it never falls back down.

To let us reset the timer, we can add a Set node.

What we need to do here is set the value of the variable back to 0 whenever the power drops down under 100%.

So our new nodes will…

We can now adjust our logic by adding a new condition - we want to create an event only if the value of Total Time is greater than 5 (meaning 5 seconds have elapsed).

Step 2: Adjusting Timing Based On Difference

Right now, we've got a fixed time for our timer. If we're running at 101%, we're allowing 5 seconds before we consider it a problem. If we're running at 120%, we're also allowing 5 seconds.

What we need is to modify our timing based on how big a difference there is between our target (ie. 100%) and our actual value.

To figure out how severely we're over the limit, we'll make a change in our logic.

Determine the Difference

Instead of checking if the measured current is greater than 100%, we're going to subtract the maximum current from the actual current. If this number is positive, it means we're over the threshold.

We can now divide the time threshold by the difference in value.

Assuming we set a delay time of 120 seconds (2 minutes), this would mean that we'd see the following timings…

Power UsageTime Allowed
101%120s (2 Minutes)
102%60s (1 Minute)

This gives us a response curve close to what we're looking for.

In this case, we're actually going to do this slightly differently - rather than divide the time threshold, we're going to multiply the time we're counting, by adding a Multiply node between the Elapsed and Increment nodes we made earlier.

Although you'd initially think this is the same, it actually gives us a subtle difference in behaviour.

If our value spiked up to 120% for 5 seconds and then dropped down to 101% and stayed there, the timings would look like this…

MethodTime Until Event Detected
Divide120 seconds
Multiply20 seconds