Condition Node

This node checks to see if a mathematical condition has been met when comparing two inputs.

It performs simple tests, such as…

This node is used in all modules and is one of the math nodes.


Input #1 is a number that will be be used on the left side of the comparison.
Input #2 is a number that will be be used on the right side of the comparison.


Output #1 is true if the condition is met and false if it is not.
Output #2 is the opposite of Output 1 - false if the condition is met and true if it is not.


The Cond option allows you to choose which comparison you're going to make between your two inputs.

Note that the exclamation mark (!) symbol means not, so '!=' means 'Not Equal'.

!=Not Equal
<Less Than
< =Less Than or Equal To
>Greater Than
> =Greater Than or Equal To
&&Contains All of the Same Bits