Shear Tracking Module

The Shear Tracking module is targeted specifically at longwall mining applications, where it is used to monitor the movement of the shearer and convert that into a list of cutting passes, known as shears.

Starting Out

When you first create a new Shear Tracking analytic, you'll see the graph below…

The node on the right is the Tracking node.

It needs to be set up to match your wall. There are a few key steps involved.

Note that the three parameters of the Tracking node are specified in terms of roof supports.

Once that's set up, you need to provide inputs.

Module-Specific Nodes



The output of the module is a single shear event for every shearer pass.

The shear information includes…

ID NumberA unique ID number for the shear
StartStart Time
EndEnd Time
DurationTotal seconds of duration
DirectionThe cut direction (MG to TG or TG to MG)
ModeThe cutting mode of the shearer (BIDI, MG-TG, TG-MG, TRAVERSAL)
Cutting1 if this is a cutting pass, 0 if it's a traversal pass
Complete1 if the shear is complete, 0 if it's incomplete

Double Cuts

By default, the last entry into the gate-end is treated as the start of the next shear. This means that if your shears include a double-cut, they'll always be at the end of the shear rather than at the start.