Admin. Lists

The Administration page can take you to a number of lists of components such as contexts, properties or relationships.

Each of these lists look and work in a very similar way.

You're shown an alphabetically-sorted list of the items. From here you can….


Delete Item

Removes the item from the list permanently (you will be prompted to confirm this action)
Duplicate Item

Creates a copy of this item with the same details but a different name.


On pressing the delete () button, you will be asked to confirm the action.


On pressing duplicate (), you will be taken to the normal editing window for the item. However, on pressing 'save', you will create a new item instead.

This is very useful for copying items with a large number of options, such as properties.

Other Icons

Some lists - such as the list of properties - will also include additional icons. These will be explained in the page describing that list.

Used In

This interface is used when maintaining your lists of….