Javascript/Digital Signage API

Although it is still available, you may want to consider Data-Responsive SVG documentation for a more up-to-date and powerful version of this API.

ARDI includes a Javascript API to access live data in HTML pages and SVG images.

It's quite simple to use (particularly combined with JQuery) and requires only a few lines of code to get working.

You can find the javascript include file at /plugins/optrix/ardiclient.js.


The Javascript API provides the ARDIHMI class, which is used to subscribe to updates from an ARDI server.

The process consists of…

  • Creating the ARDIHMI object,
  • Subscribing to Change Events
  • Connecting to the Server
//Prepare the new object
var connection = new ARDIHMI();
//Subscribe To Each Dynamic Property
connection.Subscribe("//Dynamic Property//",function (val) {
    //Update HTML/SVG
//Connect to the server

Where address is the IP address of the ARDI database (this includes the site or database code when an ARDI server supports multiple databases - for example, the PowerGen Demo on has a code of pd, so the full address is

You'll need to know the data point name for every asset property you'd like to display in your image or web page.

For example, “23:20:measurement” is the code for the measured pressure on asset 23.
