
1assetsasset listA list of assets
2propertiesproperty listA list of properties


Places a list of points onto the stack, searching downstream into sub-assets if no match can be found on the assets in the list.


Returns a list of points given both a list of assets and a list of properties.

The properties returned from this function will not contain live values or history - these are usually loaded when needed by later functions, or when the values are returned. This avoids needless data loading, as requesting live data can be expensive for large numbers of points.

Note that only valid points are returned - if you ask for a property on an asset that doesn't contain that property, nothing will be returned.

All assets in each list will be compared to one-another. So you will have points for any asset in the asset list that has any property in the property list.



This function will return a point for Temperature on asset TE101, if such a point exists. If none can be found, it will search the children of that asset until either…

  • An asset with a Temperature property is located, or
  • No more assets remain

This is useful when you aren't sure about the structure of your assets. Note that if this function has to search down-stream assets, it will only return a single match per asset. If there are two or more assets down-stream with the same property, one of them will be chosen based on asset ID.