

The OffsetModel effect puts a random amount of 'offset' between the position of the object and the location where the 3D model is drawn.

This is primarily used when you might have crowds of items in a single position - by adding a random offset to each of the assets, the models appear near eachother, rather than overlapping completely.



Type: Vector3 Default: 0,0,0

The distance between the asset position and the 3D model position.


Type: Float Default: 0

The amount of randomness to apply. If zero, the model is placed at the exact offset specified. If the variance is non-zero, it defines a radius around the asset in which the model is randomly placed.


Type: Vector3 Default: 0,0,0

Changes the rotation of the model.


Type: Boolean Default: false

As well as randomly positioning the object with the variance property, you can also request that the asset be randomly rotated by setting this to true.


<offsetmodel variance="2"/>
Moves the 3D model for this asset somewhere with a 2-unit-radius circle around the asset. The circle is restricted to the X and Y axes only - altitude is not randomised.