Google PubSub Driver


Loads information from Google PubSub.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live

Driver Settings

ProjectThe name of the PubSub Project
TopicThe topic to monitor (can include wildcards)
SubscriptionThe PubSub subscription to join
IdentifierThe key name that uniquely identifies the device that produced the message
DelimiterThe key-value pair delimiter
IgnoreA comma-delimited list of keys to ignore in the message payload
Key FileThe SSL signature file used to authenticate with the PubSub service

Payload Format

The payload of the PubSub message is expected to be in a delimited format, very similar to JSON, comprising of key : value pairs.

deviceId: My Remote Device
temperature: 25
pressure: 1024
humidity: 33

Point Settings

TagA point in the from of <deviceid>:<point>

To read the temperature in the payload of the message shown in the example above, you would use the tag My Remote Device.temperature.


Available on the ARDI Downloads site for Windows servers.


sudo apt-get install ardi-googleps