iCalendar Events


Reads entries from an iCalendar file as ARDI events.

iCalendar files (which usually have the file extension ICS) are a common format of file used to share and distribute calendar events.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Event

Driver Settings

URL/PathThe web or file URL to the iCalendar file
FormatThe format of the file - either Normal or JSON
Update RateThe number of seconds in between the file being re-downloaded
TimezoneThe timezone all of the dates in the file are in


The Update Rate parameter controls how often the driver fetches a new version of the file.

When using local, quick-moving update data (ie. production schedules, inspection schedules etc.) this might be '1' or '0', indicating that the file should be re-read every time new events are requested.

However, some iCalendar files are extremely slow to update - such as a list of national public holidays. To avoid sending an large number of queries to a resource that hasn't changed, the driver will 'remember' the last set of events for the given number of seconds.

For example, a setting of 86400 will re-download the calendar once per day.