InfluxDB Driver


Loads information from InfluxDB databases.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Historical

Performance Note

Although InfluxDB has an extremely impressive ingestion rate (meaning it can record very large numbers of properties quickly), it has a critical flaw when being used for industrial data - it can't show instantaneous values.

This means that if you've got a sample at 10:00 and another at 11:00, asking for data at 10:20-10:40 will give you no results.

Compensating for this issue causes queries to be significantly slower than they should be.

Driver Settings

HostThe IP/DNS address of your Influx server
PortThe port to connect to
DatabaseThe name of the Influx database/organisation
UsernameThe username to use to connect
PasswordThe password that goes with the above username
SeriesThe name of the default series to query - ie 'measurement'
FilterA filter expression to be added to every query (optional)

Point Settings

FieldThe name of the InfluxDB field
Tagged AsThe set of tags to search for
SeriesThe name of the series. If blank, uses the default for the source

For example…

Field: Current
Tagged As: source=power_meter_1
Series: Phase A