

This function allows you to specify a single asset and fade every other asset in the scene.



Type: Text Default: None

Specifies the name or ARDI ID of the asset you would like to have remain unfaded, every other asset will fade out. If using an asset ID, begin the target with the '#' character.


Type: Float Default: 0.05

The amount of transparency to apply all of the faded assets. A value of 1.0 is completely opaque, a value of 0.0 is completely invisible. Any value in between 0.0 and 1.0 denotes how visible the asset will be.


Type: Boolean Default: True

If true, the function will fade all of the child assets as well as the asset being faded.

See Also


<fadeeverythingbut Target="SomeObject"  />
This will find the asset named SomeObject and fade everything in the scene except SomeObject.
<fadeeverythingbut Target="SomeObject" Amount="0.5" AndChildren="False" />
This will find the asset named SomeObject and fade everything in the scene except SomeObject with a transparency value of 0.5, however it will not include the child assets of each faded asset.