Cognition File Format
You can hand-make ARDI Cognition files to build your own custom AIs, or modify your existing files to manually adjust the AI.
The core AI configuration is stored in a json file in your ARDI site folder - on a Windows system this will often be c:\Program Files (x86)\Optrix\ARDI\web\sites\default\ai.
Each AI will also have a sub-folder in that same directory containing the compiled AI, training data and a file containing the training times.
The AI configuration is made up of the following options…
Option | Meaning |
name | A human-readable name for the AI |
aitype | The type of AI - currently MLP or OCSVM |
resultformat | How to interpret the results - a value, a percentage or a boolean |
server | The ARDI server host name |
site | The ARDI server site |
path | The full path to the folder where your AI is stored |
inputs | A list of the different AI inputs |
outputs | A list of the different AI outputs |
For each input and output, you should specify…
Option | Meaning |
name | A human-readable name for the input/output |
ardiasset | The asset id of the point in ARDI |
ardiproperty | The property id of the point in ARDI |
min | The minimum value |
max | The maximum value |
If an output is manually entered, set the ardiasset and ardiproperty values to 0.
If creating a One-Class SVM (OCSVM), you should not define any outputs.
{ "name": "AI Name", "aitype": "MLP", "resultformat": "value", "server": "localhost", "site": "default", "inputs": [ { "name": "Wind Turbine #20 Voltage", "ardiasset": 230, "ardiproperty": 28, "min": 0, "max": 700 },{ "name": "Wind Turbine #20 Temperature", "ardiasset": 230, "ardiproperty": 29, "min": 0, "max": 150 } ], "outputs": [{ "name": "Wind Turbine #20 Power", "ardiasset": 230, "ardiproperty": 48, "min": 0, "max": 3200 }], "path": "Path to AI Folder"
With the json file in place, all you need to do is create the file containing the training times, and you're ready to run your AI.