Using the API

The Javascript web API is found in the /plugins/optrix/hmi.js file.

Unlike the previous generation of the API (which had quite harsh transitions between values), the new API smoothly animates between values, and provides a number of additional helper functions to work with colour-gradients from ARDI.

The API works by first creating an instance of HMIPanel.

connection = new HMIPanel();

You then Subscribe the ARDI properties you're interested in, using their point code. When you subscribe, you include a callback function which is called whenever the value changes.

The example below updates the text in an object called 'power' whenever the analogue value of property 48 on asset 261 changes

connection.Subscribe("261:48:measurement",function (val) {		
		$('#power').html(parseFloat(val).toFixed(2) + " kW");	

When all of your subscriptions are in place, you call ConnectTo with the path to your ARDI server. If your page may be open for a long time, we also suggest calling OnlyWhenFocused.


Basic Standalone SVG File