Scheduling Your Reports

The Schedule Addon

The ReportList addon integrates with the Schedule addon, allowing you to easily set up regular report transmission.

The Manual Way

Reports can be sent manually at any time by using a web URL.

This URL is <siteurl>/reportlist/mailout - for example, if you were send emails for the default site on server MYARDISERVER, the complete URL would be http://MYARDISERVER/s/default/reportlist/mailout

You can add parameters to change the behaviour of the mailout…

bundlesThe name of the report bundle you want to send
titleThe text to append to the email subject and file name - if you have multiple reports, this lets you differentiate them into “Daily”, “Weekly”, “Night Shift” etc.
regenRebuild all of the reports (useful if the last set of reports were incorrect due to the data source being down/unavailable)
testPrepare reports and log, but don't actually send emails
emailThe specific email address you'd like to send to. Useful in testing.
resendSend 'stale' reports (ones that haven't been freshly generated). Useful when resending your report emails due to your email server being unavailable
bundleonlyGenerate only the report bundle file that is available through the web UI - don't send emails
keepbundleDon't re-generate the bundle file unless it's needed
siteOverrides the default site name sent from ARDI in the subject of the email

This web link can only be run via administrators, or locally (ie. any user can call this link if the call originates from the server itself).

Scheduling The Reports

To schedule your reports, set up a Scheduled Task (Windows) or a Cron job (Linux) that calls this URL.

In Linux, this can be as simple as making a script that contains 'wget' followed by the URL.

On Windows it can be slightly more complicated, as there isn't a standard command-prompt application to fetch web results. As such, we suggest creating the following PS1 (Windows PowerShell) script…

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'MYSITE/reportlist/mailout' -TimeoutSec 6000

Remembering to replace 'MYSITE' with your correct URL

To actually run this in Windows, you'll need to create a scheduled task and add a 'Start a Program' action.

You can't directly execute the PS1 file, so you'll want to run powershell itself, sending the location of your PS1 script as a parameter.