Basic Usage

You access the Selector API by sending a web request to <yourserver>/selectors/api/selector. It needs one parameter, named query which should contain the selector you want to run.

For example, if you wanted to select all of the pumps in the Water System, you'd make the following API call…

 http://<myardiserver+site>/selector/api/selector?query=Water System}:@Pump


The response is a JSON array containing the individual results. Each result includes the asset name, ARDI ID, and (if relevant) the property name and ID.

For example…

          "id": 100,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 1"
          "id": 101,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 2"
          "id": 102,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 3"
          "id": 179,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 1 Gas Valve"
          "id": 180,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 2 Gas Valve"
          "id": 181,
          "name": "Finish Oven Zone 3 Gas Valve"

Other Options and Usage