
arditrigger.Backfill is used to start back-filling data using your trigger(s).

You can also use BackfillLocal to pass local (rather than UTC) dates.


hostlocalhostThe ARDI host name
sitedefaultThe ARDI database/site
fdateThe from date and time, in UTC*
tdateThe to date and time, in UTC*
servicenameARDI TriggerThe name of the application (used in outputs)
outputconfigconfig.jsonThe file name containing the modular output system settings


This function starts processing your triggers using historical information.

Note that this may take some time, depending on the amount of time and data required.

* The Backfill command uses UTC times, while the BackfillLocal command is expected to take local times and dates.


arditrigger.Backfill("myserver","mysite", - timedelta(days=1))

This function backfills data for the last calendar day.

See Also