Secondary States

For the utilisation system to work, each asset should have a state, such as 'running' or 'stopped'. This is known as the primary state.

It can also have a secondary state, which provides more detail or context to the state information. For example, if your primary state is 'Moving', your secondary state might be the location of the asset - explaining where the movement is taking place.

The secondary state does not have to be consistent between your different primary states. For example, it's possible to have the following…

Primary StateSecondary State

The secondary status is usually used to answer simple who/what/where/when questions about the primary status.

You should choose a secondary status that should answers the users most common questions around the different states when performing analytics. For stops/downtimes/unavailability, people will mostly be concerned about why. During normal operation, their questions are more likely to be around what the assets were doing, or where they were doing it.