Combining Rules

Selector rules can be combined by placing them one after the other. By default, each rule will be applied to the items found before it - narrowing the number of selected assets.

For example…

 Finish Oven.Internal Temperature

…would find an asset called 'Finish Oven', but only if it had a property called 'Internal Temperature'.

 @Oven.Internal Temperature

As above, this would find every asset with the type 'oven' that also has an 'Internal Temperature' property.

 .Internal Temperature.External Temperature

Will find only those assets that have both an internal and an external temperature.

Combining Rules - OR

You can use the '+' symbol to add several selectors together. The selectors on either side of the symbol are executed individually, and the results are added - an item will appear if it is on either side of the plus-sign.

So while this selector…

 .Temperature - Actual.Temperature - Target

…will select any assets with both an actual and a target temperature, this one…

 .Temperature - Actual+.Temperature - Target

…will select any assets with either an actual or a target temperature.


Selectors are used in a number of ARDI addins. You can also use them yourself using the Selector API