Relationship Selectors

In selectors, a rule with a '{' or '}' symbol indicates a relationship rule. A relationship rule requires that you've already selected something (with a name or type rule, for example).

It adds more assets to the results by searching down relationships.

The symbol is followed by the name of the relationship you want to explore. Note that if you want to search the Location relationship, you can just use the symbol by itself - no text is needed.

The opening ( { ) curly brace indicates that you want to search assets upstream.

The closing ( } ) curly brace indicates that you want to search assets downstream.

 Battery Pack 2}Location

This will return all assets located immediately inside the asset 'Battery Pack 2'. Because we're using the Location relationship, this could be shortened simply to…

 Battery Pack 2}

By default, it only searches for immediate neighbours - those assets directly up or down-stream. You can adjust this behaviour a few ways.

Adding more symbols will change the depth of your search. For example…

 Battery Pack 2}}}

…will return results up to three levels deep (children, grand-children and great-grand-children).

You can also request all items down-stream using the colon ( : ) symbol.

 Big River}|Water Flow

The query above would return all assets down-stream from 'Big River' in the 'Water Flow' relationship.


If you'd like your results to include the original (or 'parent') asset, add a '+' to the expression before the name of the relationship.

 Main Tank}:+

The selector above will give you ALL of the assets inside the Main Tank, as well as the tank itself.

Doing More

These are useful by themselves, but selectors really shine when you combine them.