NSSM Additional Settings File

ARDI launches its services on Windows using a tool called NSSM.

It is possible to add additional configuration directives to your services by modifying the nssm.conf file.

The file should be found in the 'drivers' folder of your ARDI installation (ie. c:\program files (x86)\optrix\ardi\drivers\nssm.conf). You may find a sample file residing in the same directory. If you don't have an existing configuration file, create one in your preferred text editor.

These settings apply to all services launched by ARDI, such as drivers, alarm managers and consolidators.

You can also override the settings for a specific driver by creating a file that includes the drivers unique port number. For example, the file nssm12001.conf will only apply to the driver with port number 12001. This gives you the ability to run different drivers as different users.

This file contains additional NSSM settings for your new services.


To specify the username and password for your service to use when running, you'd use the following line…

ObjectName <username> <password>

To lower the process priority of your services, you could try…


You can use any settings found in the NSSM documentation.